Community Elements

GL2 is emphasizing a Community-wide STEM Partnership Approach to address, in part, the education needs of students and for local communities. The social and economic health of communities depends on having an education system that prepares students for civic engagement in the global marketplace.  Securing the local community’s economic vitality requires expanding diverse STEM opportunities for all students.

Community employers (e.g., industry, business, university, civic, and skill craft training entities) are positioned to provide strong support for community-wide STEM initiatives. Communities can establish Industry Advisory Boards to provide leadership for the new STEM Demonstration Program. They can sponsor meetings with state and congressional elected officials to present their process to achieve STEM innovation throughout the entire community. Such meetings offer real opportunity for local employers to work with elected officials to establish joint financial goals and new partnerships to expand the program to ensure additional opportunities for more participants in need of STEM enrichment. Local leaders can establish new partnerships to support efforts to obtain additional resources for STEM education programs on the local level. STEM enrichment on a community-wide basis positions the community as a state leader committed to serve as a champion to address education needs of local residents with a strong focus on STEM learning for all of their children.

Call To Action?

Building Capacity through Growth in Practice.